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0.1.2.BETA (November 22, 2016)
- New: Paging and navigating through the set of possible faulty axioms showing at most 100 axioms (useful for large ontologies) (Issue #44)
- New: Search feature for the possible faulty axioms (Issue #45)
- New: Preference layout redesign for query computation (Issue #51)
- New: Pretty-print dialogs boxes with more useful information
- Fix: Loading ontologies without expensive reasoner calls (Issue #46)
- Fix: Recognize change from no reasoner to a reasoner (Issue #47)
- Fix: Preference values input validation to prevent undesirable behaviour (Issue #49)
- Fix: Sync Diagnosis Model with Ontology Changes (Issue #52)
- Fix: Unified formatting for logging (80 chars maximal)
- Removed unused preferences for min, max queries
- Algorithmic updates for RIO, Ent and SPL measures
- Minor layout modification: exchanged display of possibly faulty with correct axioms list