Change the license from Apache 2.0 to GNU LGPL Version 3.0 for the module protege-plugin
The module protege-plugin is using adapted code from the explanation-workbench (5.0.0-beta-19, which itself is distributed under the GNU LGPL Version 3.0 license.
The protege-plugin module is (mistakenly) licensed as Apache 2.0.
The and the copyleft license of LGPL, which means that derivative work can only be distributed under the same license terms.
Thus the module protege-plugin has to be published under the LGPL Version 3.0 license since it uses derivative work from the explanation-workbench.
The modules diagnosis, owl-plugin and protege-plugin will remain under the Apache 2.0 license with the appropriate
The resulting jar-file for the debugger plugin will then be under the GNU LGPL Version 3.0 license (and parts of it under the the Apache 2.0 license).