Redesign the evaluation results for saved test cases
- Replace the "entailed" icon
with green background color for positive test cases.
- Replace the "not entailed" icon
with red background color for the positive test cases.
- Replace the "not entailed" check mark
with green background color for negative test cases.
- Remove the warning icon
for "entailed" negative test cases and keep the red background color.
- Keep the warning icon
for test cases containing unsatisfiable classes (with no background color).
- Add tooltip "Test case that MUST´be entailed!" and "Test case that MUST NOT be entailed!" for the according test case.
- Reorder the warning icon to the leftmost position in order to align the delete icons.
- Apply 1. for 4th positive test case.
- Apply 2. for the 1st positive test case.
- Apply 3. for the 1st negative test case.
- Apply 4. for the 3rd negative test case.
- Apply 5. for 2nd and 3rd positive test case and for 2nd negative test case.