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  • Thomas Schleicher's avatar
    feat: Add new files · 5786b14b
    Thomas Schleicher authored
    Added .gitignore with patterns for ignoring files and directories, including node_modules, .expo, dist, web-build, *.orig.*, *.jks, *.p8, *.p12, *.key, *.mobileprovision, .metro-health-check*, npm-debug.*, yarn-debug.*, yarn-error.*, .DS_Store, *.pem, .env*.local, *.tsbuildinfo, expo-env.d.ts, and @generated expo-cli sync-2b81b286409207a5da26e14c78851eb30d8ccbdb.
    Added app.json with Expo configurations, including name, slug, version, orientation, icon, scheme, userInterfaceStyle, splash, assetBundlePatterns, ios, android, web, plugins, and experiments.
    Added _layout.tsx with TabLayout component for rendering tabs. Imported FontAwesome and expo-router. Exported ErrorBoundary and unstable_settings.
    Added index.tsx with TabOneScreen component for rendering Tab One. Imported EditScreenInfo, Text, and View from components/Themed.
    Added two.tsx with TabTwoScreen component for rendering Tab Two. Imported EditScreenInfo, Text, and View from components/Themed.
    Added +html.tsx for configuring root HTML during static rendering. Imported ScrollViewStyleReset from expo-router/html.
    Added [...missing].tsx for rendering NotFoundScreen. Imported Link and Stack from expo-router. Imported StyleSheet, Text, and View from components/Themed.
    Added _layout.tsx for configuring the root layout. Imported FontAwesome and expo-router. Imported DarkTheme and DefaultTheme from @react-navigation/native. Imported useFonts from expo-font. Imported SplashScreen and Stack from expo-router. Imported useEffect and useColorScheme from react-native.
    Added modal.tsx with ModalScreen component for rendering Modal. Imported StatusBar from expo-status-bar and StyleSheet from react-native.
    Added babel.config.js with presets babel-preset-expo and plugins expo-router/babel.
    Added EditScreenInfo.tsx with EditScreenInfo component for displaying information about the code. Imported React and StyleSheet from react-native. Imported Colors from constants/Colors. Imported ExternalLink from components/ExternalLink. Imported MonoText from components/StyledText. Imported Text and View from components/Themed.
    feat: Add new files
    Thomas Schleicher authored
    Added .gitignore with patterns for ignoring files and directories, including node_modules, .expo, dist, web-build, *.orig.*, *.jks, *.p8, *.p12, *.key, *.mobileprovision, .metro-health-check*, npm-debug.*, yarn-debug.*, yarn-error.*, .DS_Store, *.pem, .env*.local, *.tsbuildinfo, expo-env.d.ts, and @generated expo-cli sync-2b81b286409207a5da26e14c78851eb30d8ccbdb.
    Added app.json with Expo configurations, including name, slug, version, orientation, icon, scheme, userInterfaceStyle, splash, assetBundlePatterns, ios, android, web, plugins, and experiments.
    Added _layout.tsx with TabLayout component for rendering tabs. Imported FontAwesome and expo-router. Exported ErrorBoundary and unstable_settings.
    Added index.tsx with TabOneScreen component for rendering Tab One. Imported EditScreenInfo, Text, and View from components/Themed.
    Added two.tsx with TabTwoScreen component for rendering Tab Two. Imported EditScreenInfo, Text, and View from components/Themed.
    Added +html.tsx for configuring root HTML during static rendering. Imported ScrollViewStyleReset from expo-router/html.
    Added [...missing].tsx for rendering NotFoundScreen. Imported Link and Stack from expo-router. Imported StyleSheet, Text, and View from components/Themed.
    Added _layout.tsx for configuring the root layout. Imported FontAwesome and expo-router. Imported DarkTheme and DefaultTheme from @react-navigation/native. Imported useFonts from expo-font. Imported SplashScreen and Stack from expo-router. Imported useEffect and useColorScheme from react-native.
    Added modal.tsx with ModalScreen component for rendering Modal. Imported StatusBar from expo-status-bar and StyleSheet from react-native.
    Added babel.config.js with presets babel-preset-expo and plugins expo-router/babel.
    Added EditScreenInfo.tsx with EditScreenInfo component for displaying information about the code. Imported React and StyleSheet from react-native. Imported Colors from constants/Colors. Imported ExternalLink from components/ExternalLink. Imported MonoText from components/StyledText. Imported Text and View from components/Themed.