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Snippets Groups Projects

README for "Finanzfuchs"

Group G

Project Title


Installation and Setup

Run with expo go (ios and Android)

To install and run Finanzfuchs locally:

Required: npm (node packet manager), node.js (recommended latest stable)

  1. Clone the main-branch of this repository to your local machine. (git clone {adress})
  2. Navigate to the project directory and run npm install to install dependencies.
  3. Start the app by executing npm start. If this does not work for you, try using npx expo start --tunnel.
  4. If you want to use a Physical Device see the below Steps, else skip to 5.
    1. Make sure the Device is on the same Network as your PC
    2. Download the Expo Go-App on iOS or Android respectively.
    3. After installing, just scan the QR Code using the App on Android or the Camera-App on iOS.
  5. Alternatively you can use an Emulator using Android SDK or the iOS equivalent. After starting the server, press the prefered Button a for Android, i for iOS or w for Web-View **(Web-View is currently not supported) **

Prebuilt apk (Android only)

A more convenient way to run Finanzfuchs is to download the prebuilt apk which can be found under releases in this GitLab repository. This apk file will be kept up to date. Just download and install the most recent version.


  • Adding Expenses: Press the plus button to add expenses.
  • Removing Expenses: Go to the budget tab and press the red button in the middle to reset expenses.
  • Login Screen: Go to the login screen by pressing the profile picture in the top left of the home screen.


  • Aigensberger, Carolin
  • Dworski, Daniel
  • Schleicher, Thomas
  • Stornig, Jakob
  • Walcher, Raphael


Finanzfuchs is released under the [MIT License].